Friday, March 4, 2011

Holy, Holy, Holy - Hillsong United

Jehovah Sabaoth

Jehovah Sabaoth
March 5, 2011

There is a group of us ladies who used to get together for birthdays. One night several years ago we all went to Marshall to celebrate several of our summer birthdays by going out to eat. There was going to be a city wide event in Marshall and in talking about it we decided to stop downtown and pray. We found a spot behind a bar and all stood in the parking lot praying. I looked up and in my spirit I saw the one of the angelic HOST Standing at the perimeter of the parking lot was a giant angelic being, dressed for battle but with colorful attire. I shall never forget it!!!. He was huge!!As we prayed, the HOSTS of heaven had been summoned and they came to do their battle of the Marshall area that week. WOW and double WOW. I think I told the girls what I saw and none of them seem overly impressed but then... they didn't see what I saw.
Jehovah Sabaoth is the LORD OF HOSTS. He is the commander in Chief.

With the Host of heaven that I saw, I will never lose confidence that the battle belongs to the LORD. The odds are not against us. We are not overmatched. We are strong and though darkness closes in, the warring opposition trembles when the LORD OF HOSTS shows up. There was nothing that our little group of women could do to help advance the gospel for Marshall MN but the strong tower of HIS name showed up. The pillars of the universe trembled and I have to believe God made a difference in that timeframe. I will find out in heaven maybe.

This is a time of darkness and a day of distress. Make no mistake my sisters, the enemy is at hand and is attacking us in our weakest areas. I make no platitudes about our days by saying to you
+-"think about the positive,
+t's not so bad,
+it could always be worse,
+think of the starving children in Africa and so on and so on. " These are days of hard trials for God's people.

It was in such a day as this, when the name of the LORD OF HOSTS was first used in the Bible.

1 Samuel 1:1-10
She prayed to the LORD and wept bitterly. At that time, a womans true worth hinged on her offspring. She couldn't seem to get pregnant and have a baby. She felt like she was worthless so all she could do was weep. She would be diagnosed today as severely depressed. But she seemed so out of control that Eli the priest accused her of being drunk during one of her trips to the temple. But had she turned to the bottle? Happy hour? Just one drink for medicinal purposes?

No She was in the temple-where did she turn? To the LORD OF HOSTS.
Read :1 Samuel 1:11

1 Samuel 17:45

Meaning and Derivation: Jehovah is translated as "The Existing One" or "Lord." The chief meaning of Jehovah is derived from the Hebrew word Havah meaning "to be" or "to exist." It also suggests "to become" or specifically "to become known" - this denotes a God who reveals Himself unceasingly. Sabaoth (se bâ'ôt) means "armies" or "hosts." Jehovah Sabaoth can be translated as "The Lord of Armies" (1Sa 1:3). This name denotes His universal sovereignty over every army, both spiritual and earthly. The Lord of Hosts is the king of all heaven and earth. (Psa 24:9-10; Psa 84:3; Isa 6:5).

Further references of the name Jehovah Sabaoth in the Old Testament: 1Sa 1:11; 1Sa 17:45; 2Sa 6:18; 2Sa 7:27; 1Ki 19:14; 2Ki 3:14; 1Ch 11:9; Psa 24:10; Psa 48:8; Psa 80:4; Psa 80:19; Psa 84:3; Isa 1:24; Isa 3:15; Isa 5:16; Isa 6:5; Isa 9:19; Isa 10:26; Isa 14:22; Jer 9:15; Jer 48:1; Hsa 12:5; Amo 3:13; Mic 4:4; Nah 3:5; Hag 2:6; Zec 1:3; Mal 1:6; Hab 2:13; Zep 2:9

In Judaism, the name of God is more than a distinguishing title; it represents the Jewish conception of the divine nature, and of the relationship of God to the Jewish people and to the world. To demonstrate the sacredness of the names of God, and as a means of showing respect and reverence for them, the scribes of sacred texts treat them with absolute sanctity when writing and speaking them. The various titles for God in Judaism represent God as He is known, as well as the divine aspects which are attributed to Him.
2 Kings 6:16-17 And he answered , Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them. 17 And Elisha prayed , and said , LORD, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see . And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw : and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.

2 Kings 6:16-17 "Don't be afraid," the prophet answered. "Those who are with us are more than those who are with them." 17 And Elisha prayed, "O LORD, open his eyes so he may see." Then the LORD opened the servant's eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

Wow-the servant saw what Elisha saw. The mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire. That is quite a picture if you think about it. God indeed was present as the commander of the armies of heaven. They won the battle by the way. Since this description is repeated throughout scripture-over 270 times, there is definitely an army of heaven and God himself commands it. Sometimes-most of the time, it is invisible. But this story shows that sometimes we can see it.
If you read in the NIV -the LORD of hosts is translated LORD almighty and that creates some confusion with Gods name of Shaddai which does mean Almighty.

2 Kings 2:9-12 9 When they had crossed, Elijah said to Elisha, "Tell me, what can I do for you before I am taken from you?" "Let me inherit a double portion of your spirit," Elisha replied.
10 "You have asked a difficult thing," Elijah said, "yet if you see me when I am taken from you, it will be yours--otherwise not." 11 As they were walking along and talking together, suddenly a chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared and separated the two of them, and Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind. 12 Elisha saw this and cried out, "My father! My father! The chariots and horsemen of Israel!" And Elisha saw him no more. Then he took hold of his own clothes and tore them apart.
In this story the chariot of fire was present when Elijah actually was taken up to heaven and did not even die. Another wow.

1 Samuel 17:26-47 Read it out loud. David and Goliath.
David felt like Goliath was defying the Armies of the Living God.
He came to the Philistine in the name of the LORD almighty, the LORD OF HOSTS. David did not want the armor of man but proclaimed he was coming against him in the Name of the LORD OF HOSTS. The battle is the LORD's. The later psalms are littered with references written by David referring to the LORD OF HOSTS.

I gotta say that I am glad that the LORD of HOSTS can still shake up our world. He is the LORD OF HOSTS in a physical way. A real army shaking, with earthquakes, hurricanes and tornados to wake us up. Is that ok to say that? I know that many see the hand of the LORD saving them through these disasters. Just as Hannah's condition of barreness led her to find out what the Lord had planned for her and her baby.

God is the LORD OF HOSTS in us -more of a spiritual way. The battles we have our mostly spiritual and in our minds and relationships. No real weapons are drawn against us like guns, and swords. But there is a battle for our souls and the souls of generations to come.
Joshua 1:5 says I will be with thee; I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. By this promise, we shall achieve our purpose. THE LORD himself is with us.

Psalm 84:12 O LORD of hosts, How blessed is the man who trusts in Thee!

Whatever we do is what the church is doing. Any forward steps in the Church must begin with us as individuals. As we close this study a word of encouragement. Choose to stay close to God-to pursue Him and REMEMBER what makes up His character. He will help you choose and stay close. Grace alone is what we need to keep on pursuing God. God is working in you. He is working at drawing us close to Him into a more intimate relationship. A relationship where we breath his name very naturally. As this study draws to a close and we take a break, make a choice to stay close to him in study and prayer which results in Zeal and Fruit for His kingdom. The church is us and God is using us! Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name! Rejoice deeply in HIS NAME and think deeply on the true meaning of the Names of the LORD. Onward Christian Soldiers, marching as to war. With the cross of Jesus going on before. Christ the royal master, leads agast the foe, forward into battle, see his banners go.

Sing Holy Holy Holy and Healing is in your hands.  Go to small groups.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Jehovah Jireh

Jehovah Jireh
February 26, 2011
Today as we met for Mug and Muffin the LORD showed up in a powerful way.  I am so thankful!  My heart is overflowing with joy at the realization of how much God loves and cares for us.  He truly is working in our lives!!!!  This is just a small part of it.  Some are reading through the Bible and are getting hungry for the word of God.  Some are doing extra Bible Studies on their own and God is working in their lives. Some are spending extended time in prayer and praise.  Some are meeting for extra prayer times and God directs their prayers in a powerful way and we are seeing answers to our prayers.  Some are witnessing to family and friends and seeing salvations!
God is faithful that if we seek Him, we will find Him.

So here is what the LORD led me to share this Saturday morning:

We will start by reading a rather exciting drama from Genesis 22

Jehovah Jireh is litterally Jehovah will be seen. Provide is the actual word and it comes from two latin words pro-which means beforehand and vide which means to see. To see beforehand.
The Lord will provide.
To tell the story with a few thoughts of mine here.
In the beginning of the story, God told Abraham exactly what he expected him to do. Now think about him living and trying to act normal in front of Sarah and Isaac that evening. Or did he tell her? Could they hear his heart pounding?  It took 3 days to get to where they were going. What tension between Abraham and Isaac those three days. They had some servants travelling wit h them. He had lots of time to chicken out. Was God quiet during those three days-50 or 60 miles- or was He in close communion with Abraham those days so that Abraham was totally confident in his faith that he knew he had to obey God. Did the phrase "God will see before hand" or "God will provide" go over and over in his mind?
What was going through his mind?
God will provide. Jehovah Jireh
What will the LORD provide?
Will he bring Isaac back to life?
Will the LORD change his mind? Will the LORD provide a way out?
Ok-so bottom line is Abraham was faithful and God provided a RAM as a sacrifice.
Praise the name of the LORD. Then Abraham did something we are learning to do here and that is REMEMBER. He built an altar and called it Jehovah Jireh. I cannot appreciate what Abraham did to the fullest extent. There is too much human in me. Our generation hasn't sacrificed a single animal on an alter. Honestly I want to be that faithful but not sure that I am. It is said that the Mt. Moriah is Golgatha. Where God gave his son as a sacrifice for us forever. Also it is the site of Solomon's temple.-remember last week that it was the place where God's glory dwells.
But I am confident of this: that the LORD is our provider and HE provides for all faithful men to be delivered from death. All our necessities are provided from this time forth and forevermore. The provision for Abraham is symbolic of the provision He made for all mankind in Jesus Christ.
The timing was of God's provision was in a time of extreme need. Extreme need. He didn't provide the RAM on the way up the mountain-actually I would have liked it on the same day the LORD told me to go to the mountain.

Has the LORD delayed providing for you until you have been in your most dire need?
Isaac's death was only seconds away when the angel stilled Abrahams hand by the words "Lay not thine hand upon the lad." Instantly it was all over.
In due time, God did provide the lamb. The provision for all mankind. Jesus Christ.
May we have faith to go to the wall like Abraham and Isaac too. Abraham erected an altar to REMEMBER and teach us all about how we must expect Jehovah's hand to provide. How the LORD must have been pleased with Abraham. Wow. They were a team. They were as one. No questions asked. Total trust but I am sure not without anguish. I can hardly fathom such a relationship. Most of us can only glimpse it here on earth-that closeness, intimacy, faith and trust. Make no mistake-God is working in us to develop that in you and me!!! Dear ones-don't think any less.

So this is nothing new to you. You have heard this story and learned about the symbolism. Jehovah Jireh provides. He provides often at the last minute. He provides for our needs-His grace is sufficient for me for me for me. I had a beautiful revelation from the LORD during this story. Do you know that the LORD thought about YOU at that time-up on that mountain? Abraham prophetically stated that the LORD would provide and that was a prophecy that was inspired by GOD and He had you in mind. I was weeping as I contemplate this.

Knowing this aspect of our LORD as JEHOVAH JIREH leads us to Love and Trust God more >which leads us to do something about that-=zeal and fruit.

All sins, immorality, criticism, ribald jokes , murder, deceit are aimed at God. He sets the standard for behavior and we despise him at times by our behavior. WE have said or thought " Lord I cannot get a grip on this sin in my life!!" Jehovah Jireh. He will help you-no He will provide perseverance for you. The best will be provided. He provides but how does he provide? Most excellently. Perfectly. Justly. Mercifully. We may be bound on an altar, our arms tied down, the knife at our throat and our LORD provides the alternative to our death and destruction.

God provided God. I know no other Gospel. Lord you have the words of eternal life. Romans 8:32. He spared not His own Son, but delivered HIM up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?"

Where does he provide? In the mountain. In the place of our trial. I dwell in a spiritual house not made with hands. So do you. Every stone in our house is laid for a purpose. Each stone represents a sickness, a job loss, a test, a trial and how will we remember the purpose of each stone? Each stone represents lovingkindness from my father God. My house is built as a reminder of what God has provided. The walls of love are still rising.

Faith is not real until tested. What are some Isaacs in your life that you need to lay down. We go through tests and learn from them about God and his timing, His character. Not always is our lesson learned immediately. But remember those tests and what you learned. REMEMBER to evaluate your life and not just float through. See that house as it is built. What a blessing to see God working and providing.

I want to be obedient. Only God can put that ability in me. I have been a failure. But I am not quitting. N0 excuses as in the past. Delayed obedience is immediate disobedience. Partial obedience=complete disobedience.
Back to Genesis 22:5-what about the worship piece? When we go to worship, God demands our all. Worship requires we surrender our all to him. Does that bring up a picture of grim faces and prim and proper 4 part harmony at all times? God did not want Isaacs life he wanted Abrahams heart. Galatians 3:29
God's infinite provision is always greater than our earthly problems.

When we see God show himself as providing -He should be praised. Worship is our response. Psalm 46. God is our refuge and strength. Our ever present help in trouble.
Psalm 48:9-14
Psalm 63:3-8 My life verse
Because your love is better than life., my lips will glorify you....

Let's pray.

Jehovah Jireh
Discussion Questions

  1. What do you suppose the two servants talked about waiting for Abraham and Isaac?

  1. What do you think Sarah was thinking about this little trip her guys took?

  1. Have you something in your life that you hope God never asks you to lay on the altar? Can you hear God saying "Do you love me more than_____?"

  1. Can you think of a time The LORD has provided for you?
    Why do you think He provided that particular thing? How was HIS timing?

    1. Share prayer requests as the LORD leads. If you want to ask GOD to give you more faith to be completely obedient, now is a time we can pray for one another for that need. Or if you need the LORD to show Himself as Jireh-ask for this!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Jehovah Nissi, My Refuge, Kent Henry, Hosanna! Music

Jehovah Jireh (worship video w/ lyrics)

Jehovah Shammah

Jehovah Shammah The LORD is THERE.
February 12, 2011
Lets read Ezekiel 48:35
Joel 3:21
Has anyone here been to Israel? It is a tiny country in the middle east and no matter what other big time player is in the news, Israel always comes into the conversation often-even now-and has been for years!!
What is all the fuss about?
If people have not read the Bible, they would certainly be puzzled about all the commotion in Israel. The struggle for land, ,who is standing with Israel and who isn't. Violence, agression, a little bit of it's legendary military might. And so it goes.
There are more beautiful places on the earth-I haven't seen Israel in person but the pictures tend to look a little desolate in spots.
But it is Jerusalem that the LORD is talking about when he reveals himself as Jehovah Shammah.God himself has a great love for Jerusalem it appears. He revealed himself in the temple built by Solomon as a great cloud covering it-the glory of the LORD was so thick that the priests could not continue ministering because of the cloud.
1 Kings 8:10-13
1 Kings 9:3 I have consecrated this temple, (In Jerusalem) which you have built (solomon) and by putting my Name there forever. My eyes and my heart will always be there (In Jerusalem in that temple).
Why would the LORD have his eyes and his heart for the city of Jerusalem?
It may be a mystery forever.
Some speculate that it is the location of the garden of Eden -that wonderful fellowship that Adam and Eve had with the LORD.
It may be the location of where Abraham proved to the LORD his obedience by being willing to sacrifice Isaac-but a ram was provided at the last minute by the LORD himself.
Jesus himself entered the city riding on a donkey. He preached in the temples, walked on the streets of that city, held her children and healed her sick. He ate with them and wept. He was there-Shammah-with them and they rejected him.
Psalm 48 Great is the Lord in the city of our God, his holy mountain...
The Temple of Solomon did not last forever. The temple was destroyed and Jews taken into captivity in Babylon (Iraq)
Therefore what Ezekiel is talking about is a kingdom coming to Jerusalem that will be without end. He spoke those words while the children of israel were in exile for 70 years. The temple that will last forever has not happened yet. When? at the second coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Then He will coming with glorious triumph. Rev. 21:1-5. It is the city He will inhabit when He returns to earth to reign as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Those words gave hope for the future to Israel and it should to us as well.
But in the meantime.
The presence of God is in believers.
When Jesus died on the cross, the veil in the temple was rent in two and God "ecaped"from that Holy of Holies place where His presence was -escaped out into our world to live in us. Jesus death accomplished that wonderful gift.
1 Corinthians 3:16 says that we are God's temple.
Thank God that your sins are forgiven and you can be filled with the Holy Spirit. Hallowed be thy name!!!
The more we know about the names of the LORD , the more we love and trust HIM and that leads us to a life of zeal and fruit.Ephesians 2:19-21 believers are God's temple. He dwells in us.
Don't let go of hope for the future. Jehovah Shammah. The LORD is in your future. The LORD provides hope for us. How do we maintain that hope?
1 Meditate on the Word of God. Cling to it's promises and obey its commandments. I know from experience that the Word of God is alive and nourishes me like a jolt of caffeine. I get so excited the longer I linger in the Word.
Psalm 119:34-37.
2 Be filled with the Holy Spirit. Jesus went to be with the Father but he did not leave us comfortless. He dwells within us by the HOLY SPIRIT. 2 Cor 4:7-15. Do you feel Him? Do you know in your "knower" that the Holy Spirit of God is real and is in your very being?
Throughout scripture, the theme of Jehovah Shammah is reitterated over and over. Psalm 139:7-where can I flee from your presence?
1 John 3:19-24.
The Holy Spirit is wanting to fill us. He may be the most neglected of the trinity. Many have acutally been hindered by the account in Acts. We may have read about the Holy Spirit filling the early church and we were left with questions. What about tongues, discernment, faith gifts, interpretation of tongues, healing gifts, wisdom? They are all gifts and manifestations of the Holy Spirit . The Bible commands us to be filled with the Holy Spirit. God commands this because He knows without His presence-His Jehovah Shammah-we are powerless to live a life of fellowship with him. His presence and His anointing teaches us about all things. 1 John 2:27.
In our small groups, again, you will use your concordance to find verses about the Holy Spirit-hint look up Spirit not Holy Spirit. But I am going to tell you what happened to me regarding the Holy Spirit. Forgive me if you have heard this before but...
In 1973 I listened to some tapes given me by a neighbor on how to be born again. I prayed the prayer at the end of the tapes and boom-I knew I was born again. A month later the same lady, Mary Paulson, gave me some more tapes on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and at the end , I prayed the prayer and asked to be baptized in the Holy Spirit and boom-I was. I prayed in perfect poetry. Later on, I received a prayer language and spoke in tongues. Mostly in my private prayer time which I gather is one aspect of the meaning of "praying in the spirit ". But I have been in meetings where tongues were for the public and when followed by interpretation it has been a sign for unbelievers and has built up the body of Christ. I have gotten phone calls following such meetings that testify to that fact.
I have received power to maintain a relationship with the Lord. Maybe it is power to be communicating with God in Spirit and in truth-- so we can speak the same language. Whatever-I have never been the same. I have had various manifestations of the Holy Spirit gifts. Discernment has come to me at times with knowledge and wisdom. I have had the gift of faith.
I have never regretted being Baptized in the Holy Spirit. God is spirit and we must worship Him in spirit and in truth and having the Holy Spirit indwelling in me is fabulous!
All these gifts, the Spirit gives as He wills-not me sisters! I am nothing but worm food and hot air.
Being baptized in the Spirit gives us a taste of what it is like to be close to God-Jehovah Shammah. Acts 2:17 quotes the prophet Joel.
If you are afraid to take a chance because you may have heard of extremes, I urge you to take a chance on the side of belief rather than unbelief.
Jehovah Shammah. Just think if God almighty would be physically here with us. "Hey God-come on over here and explain this to him.. God come on over here and touch this man so his cancer can be gone. Actually, cancer couldn't live in the same room as God Almighty.
Do you know that God is with you? Yes you do! Believe it and REMEMBER.

Geoffrey Bull was a prisoner near China and Tibet border. He was imprisoned for being a spy for 3 years. Despite brain washing attempts and solitary confinement, He kept his sanity and even maintained his joy because he believed God. "I had no Bible in my hand, no watch on my wrist, no pencil or paper in my pocket. There was no real hope of release. There was no real hope of life. There was no real possibility of reunion with those I loved. The only reality was my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Divested of all, he was to become everything to me. He was to break my bars and enlarge my coasts in the narrow room. He was to be my fullest nourishment amidst the meagre food. My meat- which my captors knew not of. He would make me glad and He would let me hear His voice." from his book God Holds the Key.
In Him we live and move and have our being. I dare to say even though I don't know what you are going through -" All is well with you whatever your difficulties, trials and sorrows. because God is your delight and his presence is your joy. " Let no corruption from this world, ease us away from Shammah. Is the presence of God my delight? Examine your heart. Let's pray.
Small group discussion questions
Jehovah Shammah
1. Where do you feel closest to the LORD? (where is your "there")
2. Did anything happen to you this past week that you REMEMBER as far as God working in your life? Did you see more opportunities?
3. Look in your concordance-yes we found it last week-for one verse each on the Spirit. Read it out loud and comment on its meaning for you. An opportunity to memorize is always there if you choose to take it. A favorite of mine to memorize is Ps 48:1
4. Have you struggled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit?
Have you seen evidence of any of the gifts in your life?
What gift do you desire right now?
5. What one thing are you going to do this week to make sure that you make room for Jehovah Shammah.
6. Prayer requests-pray for one another.
Take Notes: Jehovah Shammah
Ezekiel 48:35
Joel 3:21
What does Jehovah Shammah mean?
1 kings 8:10-13
1 Kings 9:3 My_____and my______ will always be there.
____________Himself entered Jerusalem
Psalm 48. Great is the Lord in the ________of our__________ His Holy_________
The temple Ezekiel is talking about will be ___________ _________.
When will this happen?
Rev. 21:1-5
The presence of God is in ___________
1 Corinthians 3:16 says we are _________ ___________
The more we know about the names of the Lord, the more we ______ and _________which leads to __________and _______
How do we maintain hope?
1. Psalm 119:34-37__________________
2. 2 Cor 4:7-15______________________
1 John 3:19-24
The Holy Spirit is wanting to ________ ___.
Being baptized in the Spirit gives us a taste of_______ it is like to be _____to______.
Take a chance on the side of________rather than _________.
Is the presence of God __________ ___________?

Jehovah Nissi

Jehovah Nissi
February 19, 2011

Hello Bloggers!  We are meeting today and hope to see you at the Cafe at 10.  I am expecting God to show up and work some pretty amazing things in our lives.
To review our study on the Names of the Lord we will be fulfilling our commitment to REMEMBER. Remember what God has done and what he has done is teach us more about HIS character through this study on His Names.

First we talked about Jehovah Tsidkenu. The LORD our righteousness. The verse we studied was from Jeremiah 23 and there the Israaelites were forgetting God, worshipping other gods and even in their godlessness-The LORD sends Jeremiah to prophecy a new day is coming...He was going to provide Jesus to be our righteousness.

Next we talked about Jehovah M'Kaddesh. The LORD who sanctifies-cleanses us-set apart. We were set apart to be the Lord's own. Jesus blood overcomes sin and makes us sanctified so we can be a sign . The will to be holy has to come from the LORD so it is God's grace that we even have this desire. Don't pursue it on your own strength.

Jehovah Shalom is the LORD is peace. We talked about gideon and how God called him out of the winepress and he was a valiant warrior. Peace is not perfect tranquility it is in Christ. Peace is multiplied to us in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our LORD.

We took a small detour to talk about Jehovah Rophe. The LORD our healer. God designed us to be healthy. Certain bodily functions cause our body to be in a position to heal ourselves. Medicine can't even work without the miracle of mixing it with what God has put in our bodies. However, The LORD Jesus Christ died on the cross and by HIS stripes we were healed. Done deal. Pray with faith believing for healing for every disease and infirmity that afflicts us. To say it in a common way: you got it? Jesus can take it.

Jehovah Shammah is the LORD is there. The presence of the LORD was in the temple of Solomon. The glory was a thick cloud in the temple at times-so thick the priests couldn't stand to minister. Now the presence of God is in believers. The LORD gives us great hope. The Holy Spirit lives in us -which is the presence of God so we talked about the gifts of the Spirit and manifestations of the Spirit.

Today we talk about Jehovah Nissi-The LORD our banner, then next week Jehovah Jireh -My Provider -and the last name we will look at is Jehovah Sabaoth-the LORD of hosts. Then what? God knows and hasn't let us know yet. I know we are planning a ladies retreat again this September. So be in prayer for these steps I believe the Lord is starting here.

Jehova Nissi is the LORD our Banner. Billboard, banners, flags, letterheads, insignias, clothing with logos-all these things describe something about who you have allegience to or who you represent. The olympics are full of banners in the opening ceremonies. Very impressive.
What banners are you flying in your life?
The word banner is translated pole, ensign or standard and among the Jews it is also a word for Miracle. The armies of old had banners flying as they attacked-so there would be no doubt whose army was attacking. It was a signal for God's people to rally to HIM. To HIS Cause, His Battle and it was a sign of deliverance and salvation.
Sometimes a word of comfort, a sympathetic face, a caring hand placed on the hand of a hurting friend can be bannerless. There can be no sign of any allegience on my part. God himself wants to work through me and I need to be sure that my banner is flying. That the hand of comfort mentions or points to the LORD who heals, the LORD who sanctifies. Tell the whole world who is doing the battle-that it not just me but the LORD-Jehovah Nissi.

Exodus 14:13-14
The Israelites were in the desert and had seen miraculous deliverance from the hand of Almighty God .
Exodus 17:8-16. This is the story of Amalakites, Moses, Joshua, Aaron and Hur.
Visual aid here on holding a pole.
You can see here Joshua is getting groomed to take over as leader of the Israelites. He is told by Moses to choose some men, fight the battle, then as Moses wrote on a scroll some things to be REMEMBERED, the LORD said to be sure that Joshua hears it. Moses is still in charge but the LORD knows the time when Joshua will be.

OK-what about those pesky Amalakites? Who were they and what does this mean for us? Amalakites are going to be blotted out vs 14 and then later vs 15 it says the Lord will be at war against the Amalekites from generation to generation.
Amalekite means dweller in a valley. They lived in the desert south of Canaan. Amalek was grandson of Esau. Previously the Israelite problems involved mostly comfort and survival but now they had the army of the Amalakites attacking them. A real battle. Remember Gideon(fast forward) -his battle was against the Amalakites.
But for our purpose and to make this real to us-Amalakites are a picture of the battles in our lives. God promise to bring us Victory through JEHOVAH NISSI.
Only the winners get to wave the Banner-NISSI. We win when we don't quit trusting God.
Remember vs 14. The enemy is blotted out. That means he was defeated utterly.
But there will always be a battle, but know that NISSI is always the winner.

What are some of the aspects of our Amalekites?
Are you in any kind of a struggle? As I write this, I am mindful that today I hurt my husbands feelings with some insensitive remarks and you know it is bad, cuz he doesn't get hurt easily. My tongue is my battle. I am trusting God to change me and win that battle in me. The enemy sneaks up on me at times and I can't see that enemy coming. I am surprised by what comes out of my mouth. I trust that NISSI/banner is gonna fly victoriously over my tongue-someday soon.
You too may have a battle with one of three categories.
  1. flesh. -thoughts, words and deeds and credit cards.
    Romans 6:6,7
  2. The world. Romans 12:2 The world opposes Godliness in every avenue possible. The world infiltrates our thoughts words and deeds especially through the media. Don't assume that Godly people are doing Godly things. It is pervasive the way the command to obey the LORD God is diluted by such things as crude jokes, movies that portray sin as heroic, government that condones choice over life. What else? Desire to have have have and go go go. We don't live in a vacuum so we need to be diligent and discerning.
  3. Satan-Rev 12:9
    Back in Exodus the LORD fights continuously-sometimes behind the scenes to destroy Amalakites. Vs 15 of Exodus 17
    Ephesians 6:12. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against...To win, we need to realize we are going to be attacked, be ready, engage the enemy and be prepared. Obey our commanding officer. Learn of our Lord and know in our "knower" what He expects.

Trust the LORD when He says to fight.
Don't fight alone-share burdens-both sides had to be held up.
Realize the battle belongs to the LORD-my big sigh in life. My current biggest lesson that is still in progress. The battle belongs to the LORD. Then REMEMBER what he has done. He has conquered death and hell for us. He has abolished death. 2 Tim 1:10

The Israelites were victorious in their first battle against the Amalekites. Are you on the winning side?
What does a default setting mean?
Do you know that your default setting is Amalakite'ism? You are on the losing side as a default setting-you have to change teams to be on the winning side. You need to be born of God
1 John 5:4
says for everyone born of God overcomes the world. If you have personally accepted the fact that Jesus is the son of God, that He died in your place, rose from the dead and you have made Him your commanding officer, then you are on the winning side. You have changed teams!
Walk in victory
Galatians 5:1
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free, stand fast therefore and do not submit again to a yoke of bondage. Confess any bondages you hear the LORD prompting you about-- so you can be healed. Don't take the Name of the LORD in vain-His Name is victory, righteousness, sanctification, peace, healing. This is a huge deal. Walk in victory. Walk in victory. See the LORD work in you, your loved ones and REMEMBER when HE works. You are not going to die, you do not have to fear death
Hebrews 2:14-15. Now THAT is a victory. YOU are a victory. We are gathered under HIS BANNER.

Discussion questions
February 19,2011
Jehovah Nissi

    1. What is your favorite logo?

  1. Do you struggle with fleshly sin? -some you can share anyway? If so, how are you gonna deal with it from now on?

  1. Do you struggle with the world? Too much this or that? How can you help each other deal with it?

  1. Do you struggle with sniper attacks from Satan? If so, how can you deal with him? Discuss this first and then look up Ephesians 6:10-18

  1. Credit cards have a limit-talk about God's limit on his forgiveness credit card he has given to you. You qualified!!! (When you accepted Jesus). How much do you use God's credit card of forgiveness?

Those areas are to be contemplated this week. As the Holy Spirit prompts, pray about victory coming into your life.
Pray with each other the prayer requests you may have.

See you next week. Jehovah Jireh is next-Lord willing....

Monday, February 7, 2011

Jehoah Shammah

Hey there friends!  This is so exciting to do a study on the Names of the Lord.  He is there-here-in us.  He is waiting to come again in Glory and Power to be here physically among us.  Praise His Name.

Jehovah Shammah The LORD is THERE.
February 12, 2011
Lets read Ezekiel 48:35
Joel 3:21
Has anyone here been to Israel? It is a tiny country in the middle east and no matter what other big time player is in the news, Israel finds its way into the news often-and has been for years!!
What is all the fuss about?
If people have not read the Bible, they would certainly be puzzled about all the commotion in Israel. The struggle for land, ,who is standing with Israel and who isn't. Violence, agression, a little bit of it's legendary military might. And so it goes.
There are more beautiful places on the earth-I haven't seen Israel in person but the pictures tend to look a little desolate in spots.
But it is Jerusalem that the LORD is talking about when he reveals himself as Jehovah Shammah.God himself has a great love for Jerusalem! He revealed himself in the temple built by Solomon as a great cloud covering it-the glory of the LORD was so thick that the priests could not continue ministering because of the cloud.
1 Kings 8:10-13
1 Kings 9:3 I have consecrated this temple, (In Jerusalem) which you have built (solomon) and by putting my Name there forever. My eyes and my heart will always be there (In Jerusalem in that temple).
Why would the LORD have his eyes and his heart for the city of Jerusalem?
It may be a mystery forever.
Some speculate that it is the location of the garden of Eden -that wonderful fellowship that Adam and Eve had with the LORD.
It may be the location of where Abraham proved to the LORD his obedience by being willing to sacrifice Isaac-but a ram was provided at the last minute by the LORD himself.
But for sure scripture tells us that Jesus himself entered that City riding on a donkey. He preached in that City's temples, walked on the streets of that City, held her children and healed her sick. He ate with them and wept. He was there-Shammah-with them and they rejected him.
Psalm 48 says: Great is the Lord in the City of our God, His Holy mountain...
The Temple of Solomon did not last forever. The temple was destroyed and Jews were taken into captivity in Babylon (Iraq)
Therefore what Ezekiel is talking about is a kingdom coming to Jerusalem that will be without end. He spoke those words while the children of israel were in exile for 70 years. The temple that will last forever has not happened yet. When will it happen? >At the second coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Then He will be coming with glorious triumph. Rev. 21:1-5. It is the city of Jerusalem that He will inhabit when He returns to earth to reign as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Those words gave hope for the future to Israel and it should to us as well.
But in the meantime. ...The presence of God is in believers.
When Jesus died on the cross, the veil in the temple was rent in two and God "ecaped"from that Holy of Holies place where His presence was -escaped out into our world to live in us. Jesus death accomplished that wonderful gift.
1 Corinthians 3:16 says that we are God's temple.
Thank God that your sins are forgiven and you can be filled with the Holy Spirit. Hallowed be thy name!!!
The more we know about the names of the LORD , the more we love and trust HIM and that leads us to a life of zeal and fruit.

Ephesians 2:19-21 believers are God's temple. He dwells in us.
Don't let go of hope for the future. Jehovah Shammah. The LORD is in your future. The LORD provides hope for us.

How do we maintain that hope?
1 . Meditate on the Word of God. Cling to it's promises and obey its commandments. I know from experience that the Word of God is alive and nourishes me like a jolt of caffeine. I get so excited the longer I linger in the Word. Remember when you meditate, bring a pencil expecting....
Psalm 119:35-37.
2 . Be filled with the Holy Spirit. Jesus went to be with the Father but he did not leave us comfortless. He dwells within us by the HOLY SPIRIT. 2 Cor 4:7-15. Do you feel Him? Do you know in your "knower" that the Holy Spirit of God is real and is in your very being?
Throughout scripture, the theme of Jehovah Shammah is reitterated over and over. Psalm 139:7-where can I flee from your presence?
1 John 3:19-24.
The Holy Spirit is wanting to fill us. He may be the most neglected of the trinity. Many have acutally been hindered by the account in Acts. We may have read about the Holy Spirit filling the early Christians and we were left with questions. What about tongues, discernment, faith gifts, interpretation of tongues, healing gifts, wisdom? They are all gifts and manifestations of the Holy Spirit . The Bible commands us to be filled with the Holy Spirit. God commands this because He knows without His presence-His Jehovah Shammah-we are powerless to live a life of fellowship with him. His presence and His anointing teaches us about all things. 1 John 2:27.

In our small groups, again, you will use your concordance to find verses about the Holy Spirit-hint look up Spirit not Holy Spirit.
May I tell you what happened to me regarding the Holy Spirit? Forgive me if you have heard this before but...
In 1973 I listened to some tapes given me by a neighbor on how to be born again. I prayed the prayer at the end of the tapes and boom-I knew I was born again. A month later the same lady, Mary Paulson, gave me some more tapes on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and at the end , I prayed the prayer and asked to be baptized in the Holy Spirit and boom-I was. I prayed in perfect poetry. Later on, I received a prayer language and spoke in tongues. Mostly in my private prayer time which I gather is one aspect of the meaning of "praying in the spirit ". But I have been in meetings where tongues were for the public and when followed by interpretation it has been a sign for unbelievers and has built up the body of Christ. I have gotten phone calls following such meetings that testify to that fact.
By the grace of God, I have received power to maintain a relationship with the Lord. Maybe it is power to be communicating with God in Spirit and in truth-- so we can speak the same language. Whatever-I have never been the same. By the grace of God, I have had various manifestations of the Holy Spirit gifts. Discernment has come to me at times with knowledge and wisdom. I have had the gift of faith.
I have never regretted being Baptized in the Holy Spirit. God is Spirit and we must worship Him in spirit and in truth and having the Holy Spirit indwelling in me is fabulous!
All these gifts, the Spirit gives as He wills-there is nothing special about me sisters! I am nothing but worm food and hot air.
Being baptized in the Spirit gives us a taste of what it is like to be close to God-Jehovah Shammah. Acts 2:17 quotes the prophet Joel.
If you are afraid to take a chance because you may have heard of extremes, I urge you to take a chance on the side of belief rather than unbelief.Jehovah Shammah. Just think if God almighty would be physically here with us. "Hey God-come on over here and explain this to him.. God come on over here and touch this man so his cancer can be gone. Actually, cancer couldn't live in the same room as God Almighty.
Do you know that God is with you? Yes you do! Believe it and REMEMBER.

Geoffrey Bull was a prisoner near China and Tibet border. He was imprisoned for being a spy for 3 years. Despite brain washing attempts and solitary confinement, He kept his sanity and even maintained his joy because he believed God. "I had no Bible in my hand, no watch on my wrist, no pencil or paper in my pocket. There was no real hope of release. There was no real hope of life. There was no real possibility of reunion with those I loved. The only reality was my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Divested of all, he was to become everything to me. He was to break my bars and enlarge my coasts in the narrow room. He was to be my fullest nourishment amidst the meagre food. My meat- which my captors knew not of. He would make me glad and He would let me hear His voice." from his book God Holds the Key.In Him we live and move and have our being. I dare to say even though I don't know what you are going through -" All is well with you whatever your difficulties, trials and sorrows. because God is your delight and his presence is your joy. "   Let no corruption from this world, ease us away from Shammah. Is the presence of God my delight? Examine your heart. Let's pray.
1. What does "there" mean? :)
2. Anything happen to you this past week that you REMEMBER as far as God working in your life? Did you see more opportunities?
3. Look in your concordance-yes we found it last week-for one verse each on the Spirit. Read it out loud and comment on its meaning for you. An opportunity to memorize is always there if you choose to take it. A favorite of mine to memorize is Ps 48:1
4. Have you struggled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit?
Have you seen evidence any of the gifts in your life?
Why is it difficult to flow in this kind of a lifestyle?
5. What one thing are you going to do this week to make sure that you make room for Jehovah Shammah.
6. Prayer requests-pray for one another.

Small group discussion questions
Jehovah Shammah

Christy Nockels - Healing is in Your hands

Friday, January 21, 2011

Jehovah Tsidkenu

Jehovah Tsidkenu The Lord our Righteousness January 8, 2011

Open your Bibles to Jeremiah 23:5-8.
In the old testament the people were anything but righteous. They were in the process of being hauled off into exile because they kept on sinning, worshiping other gods and forgetting about God.
They had been warned over and over.
It is an amazing prophecy in Jeremiah. The Jews really thought the Messiah would come and set them free from foreign powers. He would be a king in every sense.

What God did was unexpected!

-He set them free from the foreign power --of SIN. Vs 8
5 "A new day is coming," announces the Lord.
      "At that time I will raise up from David's royal line
      a true and rightful Branch.

   He will be a King who will rule wisely.
      He will do what is fair and right in the land.
 6 In his days Judah will be saved.
      Israel will live in safety.
   And the Branch will be called
      The Lord Who Makes Us Right With Himself.

7 "Other days are also coming," announces the Lord. "At that time people will no longer say,
'The Lord brought the people of Israel up out of Egypt. And that's just as sure as he is alive.'
 8 "Instead, they will say, 'The Lord brought the people of Israel up out of the land of the north.
He gathered them out of all of the countries where he had forced them to go.
And that's just as sure as he is alive.' Then they will live in their own land."

-The safety that God was bringing was spiritual not physical. Vs 6
-The king that was coming was to be called Jehovah OUR Righteousness. How could a king be righteous?

What does righteous mean?
-the quality of being right. Blameless, guiltless, holy, innocent, just, sinless.
When Jeremiah gave the prophecy there was no righteousness to be found. Still true today.
I am sure this prophecy comforted the Jews through many trials. There were tough times ahead for them. Judgment fell and the Jews were carried into exile.

God never gloats over our sin, He always grieves.
The only way we could be made righteous was receiving it from the only Righteous One. The ritual of the law could not do it. Sacrifices could not do it. Only Jesus Christ dying on the cross could do it.

Read: Jeremiah 17:9. The heart is deceitful above all things
   and beyond cure.
   Who can understand it?

Is your heart desperately wicked and deceitful? Mine is. How can we find the One who is Our righteousness? The person of Jesus Christ is our righteousness. If you have never accepted Him as Savior, please talk to me later. I know how to help.

We have all sinned and we have no right to stand before God and say “here I am God-I am guiltless and blameless.” But Jesus Christ can stand before the father on our behalf and say those very words because He is letting us ride on His righteousness. Jesus says “Don't look at Pat's sin, cuz I got her covered, I paid for it and I want you to see Pat as blameless. “

Are you getting excited?

My sins are filthy rags but Jesus covers them up with a Robe of righteousness.
Isaiah 61:10.  10 The people of Jerusalem will say,
      "We take great delight in the Lord.
      We are joyful because we belong to our God.
   He has dressed us with salvation as if it were our clothes.
      He has put robes of godliness on us.
   We are like a groom who is dressed up for his wedding.
      We are like a bride who decorates herself with her jewels.

To some of you, this may seem too good to be true. It is too good but it is true. The word of God is always true but ….There is a catch.
The catch is that you have to accept it. It is not forced on anyone. God desires that our relationship with Him is given freely from a heart that has LOVE for HIM.

2 Cor 5:17,18,21. Is there an area of your life that does not line up? Say it often “I am TSIDKENU. A new creature. Don't live a defeated life. And it is never too late.

Defeat comes into my life when I don't read the Word and pray. Eating right and sleeping enough...

Recently I had 3 days w/o bible Study over New years and the consequences made me defeated and acting crazy. I don't want to be that way. I am a new creation. I am the righteousness of God. Really? Do I believe that? Don't just say words that you don't really believe. Pray for belief.
Wear it!!! and remind yourself that a price was paid so that the robe of righteousness could be worn every day! 1 John 1:9 says if we confess our sins , He is faithful to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Ephesians 4: 22 You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; 23 to be made new in the attitude of your minds; 24 and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.

All Because of Jehovah Tsidkenu. His arms are open wide to you. He is always on the lookout for you to return to Him. He never gloats, he grieves and has a plan to bring us back to where His blessings can again flow in our lives. There you are-all your sins, past ,present and future exchanged for his own measureless, incalculable righteousness and purity. Its like taking a huge debt to the bank and coming home with “canceled” stamped over your debt and a trillion dollars added to your account!!!
Are you grateful? Pray for this to sink in. Just pray for the reality of righteousness to sink in.

Jehovah M'Kaddesh

Presentation for Listeners: Jehovah- M'Kaddesh January 15, 2011

God had a plan for the Israelites and God has a plan for you and I! This is high drama.
Paupers destined for royalty. Here is the situation:
Misfits doing their own thing. Along comes the King and gives these rag tag peoples a word. They had dried clay and dirt under their nails and their backs were scarred from whippings.
The word: “You shall be to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.” Ex 19:6.

I too was like that dirty clay crusted misfits of Egypt- I was doing a Bible Study on remembering God's work in your past. The question was “who showed you love the first 12 years of your life. “
Other than mom and dad I couldn't remember anyone for sure. I was not very lovable. People were busy and I was naughty. Just thinking how I could have turned out had not God reached down and kept his hand on my life brought tears to my eyes. I can't remember being told I was loved. I was a nuisance and pest and I lied and I was sneaky.
To look at a caterpillar you would swear that worm is all there is. He is a worm, will stay a worm and will die a worm. WRONG. Do you see yourself as all there is? Or what you can become?

1 Peter 2:9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, people for Gods own possession so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.

God is in the process of Sanctifying me. That means put to proper use.
What does sanctify mean to you? Sour , pious, unapproachable?
Jehovah M'Kaddesh is used 7 times in three chapters of Leviticus
Sanctify--Jehovah M'Kaddesh is used 700 times in the bible

Sanctification of all these things were to be “A SIGN”
Gen 2:3-seventh day sabbath
Leviticus 23:1-5- various feasts, sabbath
Joshua 6:19 silver and gold and vessels
Leviticus 27:14 your house
Leviticus 20:26 set you apart to be my own ****
Jeremiah 1:5 you-before I formed you in the womb

God is Sanctified 1 Samuel 2:2 the word is Jehovah M'kaddesh
Jesus is Sanctified M'Kaddesh Hebrews 4:15 Hebrews 7:26

The Blood of Christ does not overlook sin. It OVERCOMES sin. To be holy.

God would not command us to be holy without enabling us to obey that command. 2 Peter 1:2
Let us prayerfully seek to really know Him through the precious and magnificent promise revealed in His great name Jehovah M'Kaddesh.

Sanctification does not come from keeping the Law, but from God. God's way is not to take us out of the world, but to take the world out of us. Kind of a relocating us into spiritually being in God's sphere.
**John 3:14 We know that we have passed from death to life,
How are we sanctified.
1 through the word of His Truth John 17:17-10
2 through chastisement Hebrews 12:10-11
3 through our personal discipline Romans 12:1-2 -ERMINE STORY

Why would we want to be Holy? To be A SIGN, Set apart & sanctified?
-We were designed to be set apart for God.
-Sin may bring pleasure but in the long run it is destructive. Sin has consequences.
-Holiness is a response to salvation. 2Cor 5:14
If we want to know God better, we must be holy because God is holy. Lev 11:44-45,
1 Peter 1:13-15
-It is a taste of heaven Rev 21:2
Don't pursue holiness in your strength. That is a disastrous detour. The “will” to be Holy even comes from His spirit prompting me to be Holy. The truth is the sanctifier. Jesus is the way, the truth and the light.
1 Thessalonians 5:23-24
***We cannot be holy in and of ourselves. How do we meet his demand.
Begins with our _salvation_________________
Continues daily as we ____live______for Him
fulfilled in glory when we _______become_________like Him.

As we pursue holiness, unbelievers will see and want what we have. The Zeal and Fruit part.
God sanctifies you so that you can pursue holiness. If believers fail to pursue holiness, unbelievers will not see God in their Holy Life.

Group discussion on Jehovah M'Kaddesh

  1. For whose salvation will you pray most fervently this year?
This is also a TO DO

  1. Have you ever been an Ermine?
TO DO: Talk about how you can plan a “way out” of the worst temptation you face.

  1. Share some of your prayer techniques. When? How? Where?

TO DO: Give God thanks for being Jehovah Tsidkenu and Jehovah M'Kaddesh .
Those two names deliver us from SIN. Jesus is our righteousness and Jesus is our sanctification.

  1. What is your biggest obstacle in talking with non-Christians about holiness and sanctification.
TO DO: talk to a teenager for at least 2 minutes this week. Try to bring up holiness. :)

    1. Prayer requests-pray as requested and let the Holy Spirit lead us as we pray.