Friday, January 21, 2011

Jehovah Tsidkenu

Jehovah Tsidkenu The Lord our Righteousness January 8, 2011

Open your Bibles to Jeremiah 23:5-8.
In the old testament the people were anything but righteous. They were in the process of being hauled off into exile because they kept on sinning, worshiping other gods and forgetting about God.
They had been warned over and over.
It is an amazing prophecy in Jeremiah. The Jews really thought the Messiah would come and set them free from foreign powers. He would be a king in every sense.

What God did was unexpected!

-He set them free from the foreign power --of SIN. Vs 8
5 "A new day is coming," announces the Lord.
      "At that time I will raise up from David's royal line
      a true and rightful Branch.

   He will be a King who will rule wisely.
      He will do what is fair and right in the land.
 6 In his days Judah will be saved.
      Israel will live in safety.
   And the Branch will be called
      The Lord Who Makes Us Right With Himself.

7 "Other days are also coming," announces the Lord. "At that time people will no longer say,
'The Lord brought the people of Israel up out of Egypt. And that's just as sure as he is alive.'
 8 "Instead, they will say, 'The Lord brought the people of Israel up out of the land of the north.
He gathered them out of all of the countries where he had forced them to go.
And that's just as sure as he is alive.' Then they will live in their own land."

-The safety that God was bringing was spiritual not physical. Vs 6
-The king that was coming was to be called Jehovah OUR Righteousness. How could a king be righteous?

What does righteous mean?
-the quality of being right. Blameless, guiltless, holy, innocent, just, sinless.
When Jeremiah gave the prophecy there was no righteousness to be found. Still true today.
I am sure this prophecy comforted the Jews through many trials. There were tough times ahead for them. Judgment fell and the Jews were carried into exile.

God never gloats over our sin, He always grieves.
The only way we could be made righteous was receiving it from the only Righteous One. The ritual of the law could not do it. Sacrifices could not do it. Only Jesus Christ dying on the cross could do it.

Read: Jeremiah 17:9. The heart is deceitful above all things
   and beyond cure.
   Who can understand it?

Is your heart desperately wicked and deceitful? Mine is. How can we find the One who is Our righteousness? The person of Jesus Christ is our righteousness. If you have never accepted Him as Savior, please talk to me later. I know how to help.

We have all sinned and we have no right to stand before God and say “here I am God-I am guiltless and blameless.” But Jesus Christ can stand before the father on our behalf and say those very words because He is letting us ride on His righteousness. Jesus says “Don't look at Pat's sin, cuz I got her covered, I paid for it and I want you to see Pat as blameless. “

Are you getting excited?

My sins are filthy rags but Jesus covers them up with a Robe of righteousness.
Isaiah 61:10.  10 The people of Jerusalem will say,
      "We take great delight in the Lord.
      We are joyful because we belong to our God.
   He has dressed us with salvation as if it were our clothes.
      He has put robes of godliness on us.
   We are like a groom who is dressed up for his wedding.
      We are like a bride who decorates herself with her jewels.

To some of you, this may seem too good to be true. It is too good but it is true. The word of God is always true but ….There is a catch.
The catch is that you have to accept it. It is not forced on anyone. God desires that our relationship with Him is given freely from a heart that has LOVE for HIM.

2 Cor 5:17,18,21. Is there an area of your life that does not line up? Say it often “I am TSIDKENU. A new creature. Don't live a defeated life. And it is never too late.

Defeat comes into my life when I don't read the Word and pray. Eating right and sleeping enough...

Recently I had 3 days w/o bible Study over New years and the consequences made me defeated and acting crazy. I don't want to be that way. I am a new creation. I am the righteousness of God. Really? Do I believe that? Don't just say words that you don't really believe. Pray for belief.
Wear it!!! and remind yourself that a price was paid so that the robe of righteousness could be worn every day! 1 John 1:9 says if we confess our sins , He is faithful to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Ephesians 4: 22 You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; 23 to be made new in the attitude of your minds; 24 and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.

All Because of Jehovah Tsidkenu. His arms are open wide to you. He is always on the lookout for you to return to Him. He never gloats, he grieves and has a plan to bring us back to where His blessings can again flow in our lives. There you are-all your sins, past ,present and future exchanged for his own measureless, incalculable righteousness and purity. Its like taking a huge debt to the bank and coming home with “canceled” stamped over your debt and a trillion dollars added to your account!!!
Are you grateful? Pray for this to sink in. Just pray for the reality of righteousness to sink in.