Saturday, February 26, 2011

Jehovah Jireh

Jehovah Jireh
February 26, 2011
Today as we met for Mug and Muffin the LORD showed up in a powerful way.  I am so thankful!  My heart is overflowing with joy at the realization of how much God loves and cares for us.  He truly is working in our lives!!!!  This is just a small part of it.  Some are reading through the Bible and are getting hungry for the word of God.  Some are doing extra Bible Studies on their own and God is working in their lives. Some are spending extended time in prayer and praise.  Some are meeting for extra prayer times and God directs their prayers in a powerful way and we are seeing answers to our prayers.  Some are witnessing to family and friends and seeing salvations!
God is faithful that if we seek Him, we will find Him.

So here is what the LORD led me to share this Saturday morning:

We will start by reading a rather exciting drama from Genesis 22

Jehovah Jireh is litterally Jehovah will be seen. Provide is the actual word and it comes from two latin words pro-which means beforehand and vide which means to see. To see beforehand.
The Lord will provide.
To tell the story with a few thoughts of mine here.
In the beginning of the story, God told Abraham exactly what he expected him to do. Now think about him living and trying to act normal in front of Sarah and Isaac that evening. Or did he tell her? Could they hear his heart pounding?  It took 3 days to get to where they were going. What tension between Abraham and Isaac those three days. They had some servants travelling wit h them. He had lots of time to chicken out. Was God quiet during those three days-50 or 60 miles- or was He in close communion with Abraham those days so that Abraham was totally confident in his faith that he knew he had to obey God. Did the phrase "God will see before hand" or "God will provide" go over and over in his mind?
What was going through his mind?
God will provide. Jehovah Jireh
What will the LORD provide?
Will he bring Isaac back to life?
Will the LORD change his mind? Will the LORD provide a way out?
Ok-so bottom line is Abraham was faithful and God provided a RAM as a sacrifice.
Praise the name of the LORD. Then Abraham did something we are learning to do here and that is REMEMBER. He built an altar and called it Jehovah Jireh. I cannot appreciate what Abraham did to the fullest extent. There is too much human in me. Our generation hasn't sacrificed a single animal on an alter. Honestly I want to be that faithful but not sure that I am. It is said that the Mt. Moriah is Golgatha. Where God gave his son as a sacrifice for us forever. Also it is the site of Solomon's temple.-remember last week that it was the place where God's glory dwells.
But I am confident of this: that the LORD is our provider and HE provides for all faithful men to be delivered from death. All our necessities are provided from this time forth and forevermore. The provision for Abraham is symbolic of the provision He made for all mankind in Jesus Christ.
The timing was of God's provision was in a time of extreme need. Extreme need. He didn't provide the RAM on the way up the mountain-actually I would have liked it on the same day the LORD told me to go to the mountain.

Has the LORD delayed providing for you until you have been in your most dire need?
Isaac's death was only seconds away when the angel stilled Abrahams hand by the words "Lay not thine hand upon the lad." Instantly it was all over.
In due time, God did provide the lamb. The provision for all mankind. Jesus Christ.
May we have faith to go to the wall like Abraham and Isaac too. Abraham erected an altar to REMEMBER and teach us all about how we must expect Jehovah's hand to provide. How the LORD must have been pleased with Abraham. Wow. They were a team. They were as one. No questions asked. Total trust but I am sure not without anguish. I can hardly fathom such a relationship. Most of us can only glimpse it here on earth-that closeness, intimacy, faith and trust. Make no mistake-God is working in us to develop that in you and me!!! Dear ones-don't think any less.

So this is nothing new to you. You have heard this story and learned about the symbolism. Jehovah Jireh provides. He provides often at the last minute. He provides for our needs-His grace is sufficient for me for me for me. I had a beautiful revelation from the LORD during this story. Do you know that the LORD thought about YOU at that time-up on that mountain? Abraham prophetically stated that the LORD would provide and that was a prophecy that was inspired by GOD and He had you in mind. I was weeping as I contemplate this.

Knowing this aspect of our LORD as JEHOVAH JIREH leads us to Love and Trust God more >which leads us to do something about that-=zeal and fruit.

All sins, immorality, criticism, ribald jokes , murder, deceit are aimed at God. He sets the standard for behavior and we despise him at times by our behavior. WE have said or thought " Lord I cannot get a grip on this sin in my life!!" Jehovah Jireh. He will help you-no He will provide perseverance for you. The best will be provided. He provides but how does he provide? Most excellently. Perfectly. Justly. Mercifully. We may be bound on an altar, our arms tied down, the knife at our throat and our LORD provides the alternative to our death and destruction.

God provided God. I know no other Gospel. Lord you have the words of eternal life. Romans 8:32. He spared not His own Son, but delivered HIM up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?"

Where does he provide? In the mountain. In the place of our trial. I dwell in a spiritual house not made with hands. So do you. Every stone in our house is laid for a purpose. Each stone represents a sickness, a job loss, a test, a trial and how will we remember the purpose of each stone? Each stone represents lovingkindness from my father God. My house is built as a reminder of what God has provided. The walls of love are still rising.

Faith is not real until tested. What are some Isaacs in your life that you need to lay down. We go through tests and learn from them about God and his timing, His character. Not always is our lesson learned immediately. But remember those tests and what you learned. REMEMBER to evaluate your life and not just float through. See that house as it is built. What a blessing to see God working and providing.

I want to be obedient. Only God can put that ability in me. I have been a failure. But I am not quitting. N0 excuses as in the past. Delayed obedience is immediate disobedience. Partial obedience=complete disobedience.
Back to Genesis 22:5-what about the worship piece? When we go to worship, God demands our all. Worship requires we surrender our all to him. Does that bring up a picture of grim faces and prim and proper 4 part harmony at all times? God did not want Isaacs life he wanted Abrahams heart. Galatians 3:29
God's infinite provision is always greater than our earthly problems.

When we see God show himself as providing -He should be praised. Worship is our response. Psalm 46. God is our refuge and strength. Our ever present help in trouble.
Psalm 48:9-14
Psalm 63:3-8 My life verse
Because your love is better than life., my lips will glorify you....

Let's pray.

Jehovah Jireh
Discussion Questions

  1. What do you suppose the two servants talked about waiting for Abraham and Isaac?

  1. What do you think Sarah was thinking about this little trip her guys took?

  1. Have you something in your life that you hope God never asks you to lay on the altar? Can you hear God saying "Do you love me more than_____?"

  1. Can you think of a time The LORD has provided for you?
    Why do you think He provided that particular thing? How was HIS timing?

    1. Share prayer requests as the LORD leads. If you want to ask GOD to give you more faith to be completely obedient, now is a time we can pray for one another for that need. Or if you need the LORD to show Himself as Jireh-ask for this!