Saturday, February 19, 2011

Jehovah Nissi

Jehovah Nissi
February 19, 2011

Hello Bloggers!  We are meeting today and hope to see you at the Cafe at 10.  I am expecting God to show up and work some pretty amazing things in our lives.
To review our study on the Names of the Lord we will be fulfilling our commitment to REMEMBER. Remember what God has done and what he has done is teach us more about HIS character through this study on His Names.

First we talked about Jehovah Tsidkenu. The LORD our righteousness. The verse we studied was from Jeremiah 23 and there the Israaelites were forgetting God, worshipping other gods and even in their godlessness-The LORD sends Jeremiah to prophecy a new day is coming...He was going to provide Jesus to be our righteousness.

Next we talked about Jehovah M'Kaddesh. The LORD who sanctifies-cleanses us-set apart. We were set apart to be the Lord's own. Jesus blood overcomes sin and makes us sanctified so we can be a sign . The will to be holy has to come from the LORD so it is God's grace that we even have this desire. Don't pursue it on your own strength.

Jehovah Shalom is the LORD is peace. We talked about gideon and how God called him out of the winepress and he was a valiant warrior. Peace is not perfect tranquility it is in Christ. Peace is multiplied to us in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our LORD.

We took a small detour to talk about Jehovah Rophe. The LORD our healer. God designed us to be healthy. Certain bodily functions cause our body to be in a position to heal ourselves. Medicine can't even work without the miracle of mixing it with what God has put in our bodies. However, The LORD Jesus Christ died on the cross and by HIS stripes we were healed. Done deal. Pray with faith believing for healing for every disease and infirmity that afflicts us. To say it in a common way: you got it? Jesus can take it.

Jehovah Shammah is the LORD is there. The presence of the LORD was in the temple of Solomon. The glory was a thick cloud in the temple at times-so thick the priests couldn't stand to minister. Now the presence of God is in believers. The LORD gives us great hope. The Holy Spirit lives in us -which is the presence of God so we talked about the gifts of the Spirit and manifestations of the Spirit.

Today we talk about Jehovah Nissi-The LORD our banner, then next week Jehovah Jireh -My Provider -and the last name we will look at is Jehovah Sabaoth-the LORD of hosts. Then what? God knows and hasn't let us know yet. I know we are planning a ladies retreat again this September. So be in prayer for these steps I believe the Lord is starting here.

Jehova Nissi is the LORD our Banner. Billboard, banners, flags, letterheads, insignias, clothing with logos-all these things describe something about who you have allegience to or who you represent. The olympics are full of banners in the opening ceremonies. Very impressive.
What banners are you flying in your life?
The word banner is translated pole, ensign or standard and among the Jews it is also a word for Miracle. The armies of old had banners flying as they attacked-so there would be no doubt whose army was attacking. It was a signal for God's people to rally to HIM. To HIS Cause, His Battle and it was a sign of deliverance and salvation.
Sometimes a word of comfort, a sympathetic face, a caring hand placed on the hand of a hurting friend can be bannerless. There can be no sign of any allegience on my part. God himself wants to work through me and I need to be sure that my banner is flying. That the hand of comfort mentions or points to the LORD who heals, the LORD who sanctifies. Tell the whole world who is doing the battle-that it not just me but the LORD-Jehovah Nissi.

Exodus 14:13-14
The Israelites were in the desert and had seen miraculous deliverance from the hand of Almighty God .
Exodus 17:8-16. This is the story of Amalakites, Moses, Joshua, Aaron and Hur.
Visual aid here on holding a pole.
You can see here Joshua is getting groomed to take over as leader of the Israelites. He is told by Moses to choose some men, fight the battle, then as Moses wrote on a scroll some things to be REMEMBERED, the LORD said to be sure that Joshua hears it. Moses is still in charge but the LORD knows the time when Joshua will be.

OK-what about those pesky Amalakites? Who were they and what does this mean for us? Amalakites are going to be blotted out vs 14 and then later vs 15 it says the Lord will be at war against the Amalekites from generation to generation.
Amalekite means dweller in a valley. They lived in the desert south of Canaan. Amalek was grandson of Esau. Previously the Israelite problems involved mostly comfort and survival but now they had the army of the Amalakites attacking them. A real battle. Remember Gideon(fast forward) -his battle was against the Amalakites.
But for our purpose and to make this real to us-Amalakites are a picture of the battles in our lives. God promise to bring us Victory through JEHOVAH NISSI.
Only the winners get to wave the Banner-NISSI. We win when we don't quit trusting God.
Remember vs 14. The enemy is blotted out. That means he was defeated utterly.
But there will always be a battle, but know that NISSI is always the winner.

What are some of the aspects of our Amalekites?
Are you in any kind of a struggle? As I write this, I am mindful that today I hurt my husbands feelings with some insensitive remarks and you know it is bad, cuz he doesn't get hurt easily. My tongue is my battle. I am trusting God to change me and win that battle in me. The enemy sneaks up on me at times and I can't see that enemy coming. I am surprised by what comes out of my mouth. I trust that NISSI/banner is gonna fly victoriously over my tongue-someday soon.
You too may have a battle with one of three categories.
  1. flesh. -thoughts, words and deeds and credit cards.
    Romans 6:6,7
  2. The world. Romans 12:2 The world opposes Godliness in every avenue possible. The world infiltrates our thoughts words and deeds especially through the media. Don't assume that Godly people are doing Godly things. It is pervasive the way the command to obey the LORD God is diluted by such things as crude jokes, movies that portray sin as heroic, government that condones choice over life. What else? Desire to have have have and go go go. We don't live in a vacuum so we need to be diligent and discerning.
  3. Satan-Rev 12:9
    Back in Exodus the LORD fights continuously-sometimes behind the scenes to destroy Amalakites. Vs 15 of Exodus 17
    Ephesians 6:12. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against...To win, we need to realize we are going to be attacked, be ready, engage the enemy and be prepared. Obey our commanding officer. Learn of our Lord and know in our "knower" what He expects.

Trust the LORD when He says to fight.
Don't fight alone-share burdens-both sides had to be held up.
Realize the battle belongs to the LORD-my big sigh in life. My current biggest lesson that is still in progress. The battle belongs to the LORD. Then REMEMBER what he has done. He has conquered death and hell for us. He has abolished death. 2 Tim 1:10

The Israelites were victorious in their first battle against the Amalekites. Are you on the winning side?
What does a default setting mean?
Do you know that your default setting is Amalakite'ism? You are on the losing side as a default setting-you have to change teams to be on the winning side. You need to be born of God
1 John 5:4
says for everyone born of God overcomes the world. If you have personally accepted the fact that Jesus is the son of God, that He died in your place, rose from the dead and you have made Him your commanding officer, then you are on the winning side. You have changed teams!
Walk in victory
Galatians 5:1
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free, stand fast therefore and do not submit again to a yoke of bondage. Confess any bondages you hear the LORD prompting you about-- so you can be healed. Don't take the Name of the LORD in vain-His Name is victory, righteousness, sanctification, peace, healing. This is a huge deal. Walk in victory. Walk in victory. See the LORD work in you, your loved ones and REMEMBER when HE works. You are not going to die, you do not have to fear death
Hebrews 2:14-15. Now THAT is a victory. YOU are a victory. We are gathered under HIS BANNER.

Discussion questions
February 19,2011
Jehovah Nissi

    1. What is your favorite logo?

  1. Do you struggle with fleshly sin? -some you can share anyway? If so, how are you gonna deal with it from now on?

  1. Do you struggle with the world? Too much this or that? How can you help each other deal with it?

  1. Do you struggle with sniper attacks from Satan? If so, how can you deal with him? Discuss this first and then look up Ephesians 6:10-18

  1. Credit cards have a limit-talk about God's limit on his forgiveness credit card he has given to you. You qualified!!! (When you accepted Jesus). How much do you use God's credit card of forgiveness?

Those areas are to be contemplated this week. As the Holy Spirit prompts, pray about victory coming into your life.
Pray with each other the prayer requests you may have.

See you next week. Jehovah Jireh is next-Lord willing....