Thursday, January 20, 2011

Jehovah Shalom

This blog is the 3rd in our series of Mug and Muffin Bible Study meeting Saturday mornings at 10:00 at the Friendship Cafe in Clarkfield.  All ladies are welcome to join us.  We plan to meet every Saturday in January and February using this study. 

Jehovah Shalom and Jehovah Shammah are two names of the LORD that have to do with our inner man and point to the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
I love these verses that talk about Jehovah Shalom-the LORD is our peace. Let's look at Judges 6.   Gideon was threshing wheat in secret inside a winepress-hiding out from the enemies.
Lets start with Verse 6 and read to end of chapter.
JUDGES 6:6-end
Gideon had weak moments.  He really only had one thing going for him. God called him!
"The LORD is with you , you mighty man of valor! Vs 12. The Bible is silent on whether this was
true-actually it leads us to believe the opposite. He was overly cautious and honest about his
God saw Gideon loaded and ready for war-with the secret weapon of HIMSELF. Vs 16.
Gideon asked for a sign. Probably hoped that this was all a figment of his imagination and that no
one would show up at the meat/offering bread ceremony. He wanted to be sure. Yikes God showed
up. He went from terror to our beautiful word for the day vs 23. Peace! -Shalom- Do not be afraid.
You are not going to die. Gideon built an altar which is called The LORD is peace. Jehovah
I wondered why the LORD revealed himself as peace at that time. Why not Courage or
God's peace is the real thing. It is profound. It overcomes every other consideration. Have you
ever experienced that peace?
You may have tried to hide your weakness from yourself and God. But weakness is our greatest asset.
I will repeat that: Weakness is our greatest asset. It drives us to the LORD who is faithful to hear
us and fill us with JEHOVAH SHALOM and that is where we need to dwell-especially when
we are up against situations that are overwhelming.
2 Cor 12:9-my grace is sufficient for you. My strength is made perfect in weakness
2 Cor 12:10b For when I am weak, then I am strong
Romans 8:31 If God is for us, who can be against us?
God chose Gideon because he was weak. He has chosen me to do this because I finally
acknowledged my weakness. I chose not to look at my strengths or to analyze whether I could
actually write a Bible Study for ladies and deliver it. I questioned why and the Lord said I choose
to use you.
I asked the LORD what is the main point He wants you and me to "get" and He said "that they realize that I have provided for them what they need"
He truly gave me HIS PEACE. Peace is the antidote for weakness and the antidote for fear. Praise God! Don't underestimate the power of God to do mighty works through you and your activities here in the Clarkfield area. "Are you talking to ME God?"
Shalom is more known to us as a word-maybe not the name of the LORd but more common than the other names of God we talk about. Nissi, Rophe, Tsidkenu, M'Kaddesh, Jirah. So common, we may overlook the very power of that aspect of God's character. Shalom!
You too can become a valiant warrior
1 Jn 4:4-greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world."
Don't let the peace picture be one of perfect tranquility. That is the only peace the world knows.
But real peace doesn't come from without. It is an inner work. If you truly know Jesus Christ as
your Savior, you can experience His perfect peace-it is supernatural.
Peace is harmony,sharing mutual enjoyment and being one
Anything else is superficial and not very satisfying.
Peace does not mean carefree.
You can't go on vacation, get that new home, buy that latest doo dad to get back your peace.
Prov 18:10 The name of the Lord is, a strong tower. The righteous run into it and they are
saved(rescued). The rescue may not be healing, deliverance, new job, everyone loving and adoring
you. The rescue is an inner work. Peace is on the inside and not always on the outside. Peace is
the person of Jesus Christ.
Where do you turn in trouble? How do you get this peace. Seek Him with all your Heart, Soul and
Mind and Strength. Obey Him. We must acquaint ourselves with The LORD and all his names.
That is why this Study.
That we may Know Him,   >   leads to love and trust    >     leads to zeal and fruit.

7 thieves that can steal your peace.
1. circumstances out of control. Call out and remember
2. Imagination that runs wild - child doesn't come home on time, does not call. Call the
hospital or morgue. Be anxious for nothing Phil 4:6. Our first thought should be to get alone
with God. Isa 26:3. You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he
trusts in you.
3. Failure to be filled with the Spirit-like wind filling a sail. Galatian 5:22 GAS TANK. Be
filled-ask God to do that-and expect a change. You may see manifestations but trust God
that the Holy Spirit wants to fill you. Trust God !!!
4 .Relationships that are broken. "when they get right with me, I 'll get right with them"
broken relationships and that desire to "get even" will steal your peace. Col 3:12-14.
5. Not being in the "will of God". We need wisdom and discernment. -part of being filled
with the HS. Romans 12:1,2. When you have His will in your heart, you will have peace
6. God wants to reveal something to you and you aren't listening. "burdens". He may want
you to pray it through
7. Sin   Isaiah 57:21. there is no peace for the wicked. The Lords character as revealed in the names of Jehovah Tsidkenu and M'kaddesh provides for that wall of sin that keeps us from The LORD to come down. (those names are more detailed in other studies to be posted)
When peace leaves you. Check yourself by looking at those 7 thieves:
 Christ is our peace. When we did Kay's study, she pointed out that -Christ has broken down the wall of hostility, created in us a "new man" and HE reconciles us both to God and each other. We all need grace and we all need forgiveness.
2 Peter 1:2 Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord
You are doing that by being here, by living this week more conscious of God working, remembering what He has done and pressing closer to Him. He adores you!  The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY ADORES YOU!

 Small Group Questions
Jehovah Shalom

1. What is one new way you could be a blessing to your pastor or someone in your
2. Have you decided  who to pray for for salvation from the "To do" list last week. Ask God to give you a name. Let's watch and see what  happens. Report back later as things happen.
3. Have you ever asked for the Holy Spirit to fill you?
If you did-what happened
If not, why?
4. What is something you could do to be more peaceful?
TO DO: Ask the Holy Spirit to tell you something about peace in your life this
week. Remember apart from God -you can do nothing so rely on Him.
5. Prayer requests as the Holy Spirit leads. Remember these are confidential and
not shared with anybody.

January 22, 2011